Remote Learning during school closure
During any potential period of temporary school closure, Rowan Prep girls shall continue their education through a comprehensive timetable of learning from home. While the school remains open, any pupils self-isolating but well enough to attend, will have access to our home-learning provision.
New methods for learning have been arranged that include opportunities for interaction with teachers and explicit teaching of new material using technology that the girls can access from home.
For girls in KS1 and KS2, a weekly timetable will be available that will include the following:
- Weekly overview document for KS1
- The timetable that would normally be followed in school is replicated so that the same breadth of curriculum is covered
- The curriculum is taught as a combination of live and virtual lessons, with the live element increasing incrementally with the age of the pupils
- Live English, maths and science lessons with direct teaching linked to the learning objective
- Live music, drama and sports lessons
- Use of Microsoft Teams to facilitate collaborative learning
- Weekly assemblies led by Mrs Clarke
- Form teacher led Circle Time discussion sessions and live daily contact as a class
- Voiceover teaching resources
- Interactive and individual feedback via SeeSaw
- One to one and small group support provided
- Regular contact between the class teacher and parents
For girls in Reception, a weekly plan will also be available that will include the following:
- Weekly overview document including specialist teaching activities
- Live phonics, maths, drama and sport throughout the week
- Videoed lessons posted on Tapestry
- Individual and interactive feedback via Tapestry
- Video calls for individual children
- Weekly assemblies led by Mrs Clarke
- Pastoral support for their Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Some of the online learning resources that the girls will use include:
- Atom Learning
- Busy Things
- Doodlemaths
- MyMaths
- Linguascope
- Nessy
- Planet BOFA
- Pobble365
- PurpleMash
How do we access our timetable?
The most up to date weekly overviews will be available in the Home Learning Folder on our dedicated SharePoint site.
How can we get help with work that has been set?
Teachers can be contacted in a number of ways to assist with any work that has been set; your daughter can talk to them directly during the live check-in sessions and Circle Time sessions at the times specified on their timetable, questions can be raised via SeeSaw or you or your daughter can contact them via email.
How do we hand in completed work?
More information will be made available on the weekly overview explaining how each piece of completed work should be submitted.
Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date on home learning resources and activities and to share your own home learning journeys with us.