Early Years Funded Entitlement

Working in partnership with Surrey County Council (SCC), Rowan Preparatory School offers the Universal 15 hours Early Years Entitlement (EYFE) for pupils in our Pre-school and Reception years. Depending on when your daughter is born, you will be eligible for up to six terms of EYFE starting in the term after you daughter’s 3rd birthday. Eligibility ends at the start of the term following your daughter’s 5th birthday.

From September 2024, we are extending the available funding to offer the Working Parents Entitlement for up to 15 hours a week of funded early education, which is available to eligible working parents of children aged 9 months (or from starting with us at Rowan) up to 3 years old. An eligibility form must be completed which will require an eligibility code which can be obtained through the HMRC's Childcare Choices website.

All girls aged three and four are entitled to the Universal 15 hours EYFE and it will be automatically applied to pupils’ bills upon completion of the relevant SCC Declaration Form. Please note that SCC require an updated Declaration Form to be completed at the start of each subsequent term which will be sent to you for completion each term.

Both the Universal Funding and Working Parents Entitlement is applied between the daily attendance times of 8.45am – 12.30pm. Fees are payable in respect of attendance over and above these EYFE hours, but vary according to the pupil’s actual attendance, EYFE eligibility and the length of the term

Although EYFE is available from SCC for 38 weeks per year, Rowan only receive funding for our term times which usually total around 33 weeks a year. However, it is possible for you to seek the remaining weeks from another registered provider.

Parents can continue to use Tax Free Childcare when accessing funding.

Our approach to the funding we are able to offer will remain under constant review, with any changes communicated with at least one terms’ notice.

For further information about the Working Parents Entitlement and additional early years funding please see the Surrey County Council website using the following link:

Working parents entitlement - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)